Netlabel › Stadtgruen
»Abstrahism« by Dataman

Abstracting Cognition As A Resource Of Creation For Electronic Music
Analysis is an omnipresent part of our reasoning and also an important ability to seize our environment. Synthesis which results from the information gained by the process of analysing is a product of our awareness. Performing these actions is meant to be aesthetic.
We are living in a continual cycle between concrete perception (analysis) and abstract imagination (synthesis), so every human being realizing this logical division is an artist of its mind. Musicians are intervening posterior to the process of analysis, playing with the abstract forms of being, re-arranging and shaping information acquired by their influences and therefore sometimes creating a yet non-existent piece of culture.
The daily-life experience of a musician, which also relates to analysis, is permanently producing on human awareness based music which has to be translated to audible planes by the respective individual. The listener, who has to be the next instance in this chain, is claimed to transpose those synthesized audible abstractions to an emotional level. We may also say that music has a catalytic function for guiding us and widening our horizon.
Music, related to a sensually creative individual, is an impressive construct which is said to be the most important thing on earth, but only when we know how to understand.
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