Netlabel › Stadtgruen
»Mostly Covered In Clouds« by Acidrain

Warm But Distant
‘Mostly covered in clouds’ proclaims some very certain kind of mood, which can be found in very early hours in the morning when the sun’s light is irradiating little fluffy clouds from below the horizon, and in later evening when the sky is covered in extensive clouds with the sun shining through, spending some strange light between yellow and orange.
Both moments are retinued by feelings of warmth and contiguity and help to gain new energy to manage one’s problems and fears. Sometimes we forget about our own needs, only worrying about other people, work or the floatin’ society in which we are integrated.
This ep continues the idea of ‘Dimanche’ in a more deep and calme way and tries to repulse the clouds which are dampening the beautifulness of the blue sky and the shining sun, metaphorically speaking. Don’t hesitate to enjoy these warm but distant pieces of minimal electronica, directly imported from switzerland.
Netlabel: Stadtgruen
Release Date: 2004-07-02
Release-ID: gruen004