Netlabel › Monotonik
»You Are On My Mind EP« by Lackluster

He released one of the first ever Monotonik .MOD releases, allthe way back in 1997, and over 6 years and several highly acclaimed CDs later, Finnish electronic wiz Lackluster, aka Esa Ruoho, fresh from live sets in Ireland and Russia and his recent ‘Showcase’ compilation CD on Merck Records, has handed over the keys to his mind and returned to the net.label fold with this sublime 5-track EP.
Right off the bat, ‘Cut1’ comes out with a tremendously complex blend of Lackluster’s signature smooth melodies, with a newer, almost dubby edge, before the languid ‘Ambling On’ shows off rocksteady beats and a drifting, just gorgeous lead. Up next, ‘Cut2’ sneaks up with analmost ‘CDR#2’ or ‘Container’-like simplicity of spirit and purity of thought,before ‘Tumbling Along’ shows up, all perfect drum programming and lolloping breaks. Finally, ‘Ender’ ends things off subtly with reversed sounding loops and a humming bass, a fitting finish to a simply beautiful EP that Monotonik is proud to be hosting for free.
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