Netlabel › Monotonik

»My Human Side« by Idmonster

Cover of My Human Side

The second mtk.release (third release over both mtk and m211!) for UK-based Pendle, aka Idmonster, and his output seems to just keep getting better. After his previous Idmonster track we put out, ‘The Force May Be With You’, attracted attention from the verycool Neo-Ouija (Lee Metamatics/Norken’s label!), we’re pleased to note that track’ll be on the “Cottage Industries 2” compilation with Funckarma, Novel23, EU and more, wheeee.

Anyhow, “My Human Side” is Idmonster’s new track for us, and it’s another dense, lush, humansided piece of electronic listening music, with a curiously pulsing bassdrum leading into all manner of gorgeously fluctuating accompaniment, and finally to a sorta indecipherably vocoded lead-line which rocks the track like Mr.Roboto stuck in a clockwork toy factory making lush stuffed fluffy clouds for hanging out in limbo with flying monkey sheep. Or are we just stating the obvious?

Netlabel: Monotonik
Release Date: 2003-07-08
Release-ID: mtk059
Music Style: IDM
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