Netlabel › Heavy Industries
»Journey to Kerguelen« by Simex

Tech-house wizard Evan LaPann delivers four delicious tracks on his Heavy Industries debut. Expect warm, crisp production, healthy doses of deep pads and chords, and an umistakeable atmosphere that only Simex can capture the way he does. Under the Ocean is a perfect introduction to Simex’s patented sound, serving equal portions of funk and atmosphere and suited for the dancefloor or lounge room alike. Clouds, a quiet and subdued track, is one of Simex’s most emotional and beautiful pieces of dance music that defies specific classification. Summer’s Advent travels further into the world of deep, centering around a one-note chord that is moving in its simplicity. Finally, Kerguelen jacks up the tempo to return us to the dancefloor. Full of expertly-crafted sounds and filters, this closing track is Simex’s most energetic and demands you to move your body. Check the hi007 release for a collection of superb remixes of Under the Ocean, including Simex’s own remix.
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