Netlabel › Thinner
»Resolved EP« by Curse
Curse is a part of the danish technoscene around heads like Bo V, Christian Bloch and knows them since years. Coproductions between them have been produced and solo-curse tracks ended up in releases on the danish label aswell as the current “Swedish Sauna EP” which is out on Armalyte and free to get at the record dealer you trust :). He also has upcoming releases on Physical Soul and Funque Droppings.
His latest work, “Resolved EP”, is a thinner exclusive and features 2 soapdub textures in the 4/4 outfit.
The A-side track “Most Of Here” starts with spiral strings dived in deep hall textures. Accompanied by the marching bassdrum they unfold as cold and flashy icicles. A straight, yet subtle bassdrum melts with the aquatic circulation. Reducted hihats and halled claps round up this track.
The B-side “Veja Due” comes up with classical dub-delayreductions amongst maritime string loops and layers. Curse builds a relaxed atmosphere in this track. The loops sink in the water and glide over the far away sonic horizont.
Unlikely you can hear Curse liking Basic Channel though this ep has its very own character for me. I keep the term “soapdub” in mind - Go dive!
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