Netlabel › Textone
»for crisp salads« by peter f. spiess

This textone release has been a long time in the making. We loved Peter’s new tracks and tried to get in touch with our elusive family member. Dead phone lines, bounced emails, carrier pigeons returning with undelivered messages. Finally Herr Spiess said “Oh you guys can just release whatever you want.” And so we did. That was only the first half of it and through 10,000 air-miles, several failed burned CDs and countless broken uploads we are finally ready to present these crisp salad ingredients to you. Peter’s work is a real treat to the dub lovers. Somehow with fully stripped down elements he passes to the listener a deep and true Jamaican vibe. The tracks on this release are also going to be followed by a vinyl release on a forthcoming Contexterrior Compilation part two. So as always we hope you enjoy.
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