Netlabel › Sutemos
»Contraction EP« by FusedMARc

FusedMARc - Contraction EP. We never have not been so sure about our release and we never been wishing so much luck to it as we do this time. This is the first time when we have a release of the ban at Sutemos Media. Please welcome FUsedMARc and their debut Contraction EP. It contains four tracks of the band and a bunch of remixes by well-known electronic music specialists: Digitonal, Ruxpin, Yagya, SubtractiveLAD and etc.
FusedMARc is one of the most interesting musical projects in all Baltic countries with no doubt. Magical and charming voice (Cilia), non-stop nerve hitting guitar effects (Nurasho), streams of groovebox coming from the depths of electronic sea (Norberth) and visuals full of strangiest feelings (VJ Sirtha). All this eclectic combination is followed by the energy that comes from live drums  it does not leave a single possibility to change the rate of your heartbeat.
Music that evolves in the manner of plastic lightness and is pulsating with energy at the same time. Critics are already calling it the most talented in Lithuania. It reflects the best moods of Bjork, Broadcast, Stereolab, Portishead and other super talents that offer diving into deeper level of personal fantasies. Every song is like materializing an individual model of life. Singer who is rolled into trance is showing the way to the inside. In spite of the fact that this band is pretty young it already managed to take worthy place in the musical scene of Eastern Europe. The music of FusedMARc is going through mysterious and puzzling labyrinths to the world that is full of harmony and contraindications.
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