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»The Driw Play EP« by IJO

My music depends on how I am feeling at the moment. Sometimes I want to create a ver very sad music so that you even want to cry…Sometimes I feel like creating something absolutely chaotic, fast and harmful for the brain. I dont want to bind myself to one particular musical style. Sometimes it is fun to create a very complexed stuff…Sometimes a couple of notes are more than enough…
The Drw Play EP is a pure copy of my sadness. This is me. This is my love. My pain. My longing. My experiences. My memories. Why The Driw Play? I dint find a suitable name for any of the tracks. Particular names wont reflect the essence that is drawn by sound. So I have picked up the names that put the listener into no frames and does not make him imagine particular things. He has the freedom of his imagination.
- Ummpse
- Terra_Det
- Cumf-L
- Xiopsi