Netlabel › Sutemos
»Naunuee« by Lys

Naunee is an album worth admiring, that smells and feels like the coolness of Scandinavia. It is a retrospective of 2003-2004 Lys?s best works. During these years the sound of Lys has become mature and started entering a wider world of music…The 2003 were the year of new challenges and searches so even those who know Lys will be surprised when they hear the different content of the album. There are two compositions that are not typical to Lys - Ro that enters the album perfectly and the static Rtn7. They define against the album and color this release in a different way. The first part is continued by Uf.Ky.Es and Baltija that are of a bit different form of idm. The individuality of Lys is even more emphasized. Second part of the album consists of three compositions of dream music which have become a unique feature of this artist from the very start to the very. The wave of the lake (in a foul weather day) becomes a synthetical computer expression. Naunuee is a collage of impressions. Distance - abstract childhood memories that come out through the mist. They are so tame and so strong at the same time. The lightness of dreams is spoiled by Ambi which is full of sadness. Waves are braking slowly. This brake creates the mood of loneliness and longing. And when everything is over you feel like you lack something…
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