Netlabel › Sutemos
»Ujuja« by Kriipis Tulo

In the beginning of 2002 Kriipis Tulo completed an EP entitled Ujuja (in Estonian language it stands for swimming). The feeling of soaking in warm and soft water in a swimming pool where two young people - a boy and a girl - meet each other runs through all 7 tracks of Ujuja. Sympathizing each other at the first sight they fall in love and enjoy each other staying together. Everything takes place here - in the swimming pool where unceasing murmur of the water runs through the romanticism and tenderness of Hommikune Ujuja track and happy-go-lucky time carelessly spent beside the soda pop machine in Paane Ujuja. Finally, complete dissolution in the water and each other - One Ujuja.
Ujuja is the script of the movie that was never filmed. It is a dream… only a beautiful dream…
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