Netlabel › Sutemos

»Intelligent Toys« by Various Artists

Cover of Intelligent Toys

This compilation is our real toy. The idea to compile it was born even before the appearance of But we had to make a long way, to create our own face, to gather contacts, to become interesting abroad. A more than year long work is finally finished and it is all hidden deep inside the intelligent toy. It was worth waiting.

February 29th. The date - compilation was released ? is as rare and uncommon as the compilation is for us. Now we can boast that we gathered a bunch of IDM stars which present a number of previously unreleased tracks. We did not try to prove anything to anyone or to race anybody. Compilation’s concept is the same as the concept of the site ? all that we like.

Intelligent Toys are acompanied by a virtual collection of visual art. It was especially made for the Intelligent Toys. Authors of various photos/manipulations were creating art that reflects a doll/toy/child theme. Those works are like a body part of the compilation for they complete the music and fill in the empty toy making it orbicular.

  1. Kabyn
  2. Full Speed Dead
  3. Here (Unreleased)
  4. Thor’s Magic Bath
  5. L4 Tely (Exclusive)
  6. Have A Nice Day
  7. Kilti Dangun (Unreleased)
  8. A Popup Will Popup
  9. Llipuru (Exclusive)
  10. Korgo (Unreleased)
  11. Osloka (Exclusive)
  12. Ukelangelo (Exclusive)
  13. Cantelopps
  14. Fling (Exclusive)
  15. Nice Shoes Bitch

Netlabel: Sutemos
Release Date: 2004-02-29
Release-ID: sute002
Music Style: IDM – AMBIENT
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