Netlabel › Surfaces
»By Way Of Conclusion« by Various Artists

in september 2003, it all started with a compilation, and now it all ends with a compilation. what else could be such a good way to witness the label’s progress through almost 2 years of its existence, as well as the progress of its artists, especially with some of those featured in this final compilation having been featured in surfaces netlabel’s very first collective release? here are 11 tracks that trip from sparse ambience to soothing noisy walls of sound. ‘by way of conclusion’ may easily be one of the best surfaces releases. it is intended to be an impressive and persuasive leaving with a lasting impression. enjoy the very last sounds of surfaces netlabel!
the compilation is mastered by mckaras (lt)
Netlabel: Surfaces
Release Date: 2005-08-05
Release-ID: srfc017