Netlabel › Surfaces
»Ion« by Lys

although young, lys is already quite well-known in the lithuanian electronica scene, with a number of live performances in various locations, a track in va – surfaces and a full-length album naunuee, released on lys is able to maintain a unique, unmistakably recognizable style of his own, which is a rare thing in contemporary ambient/idm
this minialbum is a short but rich sound narrative in dark, ephemerous and transparent tones and spaces. lys manages to weave in some sounds that are untypical for this musical direction, thus creating hyperlinks to indie rock and brian eno-like prog rock/ambient. the sound is primal and modern at the same time, a break-away from narrow stylistics of the present day electronica, full of subtle accents and fragments. perfect for colder early summer days and nights
slimcase cd cover by paul paper
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