Netlabel › Surfaces
»Garso Zona `04« by Various Artists

garso zona (audio zone) is a continuous project of sound and video art, experimental electronic music. it started in 2003 winter as an intervention into the peripheral industrial place in kaunas, lithuania, baltic sign hangar, near the sculpture zone. the basic intention of the project was the aim to represent the lithuanian scene of experimental electronics. in the art cartography of 2003 garso zona was marked by dotted line, the motion to the margin, industrial place, used for aesthetics of post-industrial digital sound, post-institutional art practices. this release is a parallel project of garso zona, which continues in 2004: other spaces, recognizable but new sounds. in collaboration with surfaces netlabel
atrac (denisas safoval)
collage of pure electronic timbres, click & cut, glitch, electro etc. a nice short piece sgirls2 - recycled loops, beautiful micro-rhythm-melody-mirrors. mostly for chamber-sound pleasures.
darius ciuta
microsound, click & cut. mp3kartnulis - as usual, non-linear collage of clicks & cuts, dense and concentrated composition, mostly referred to microsound. acoustic introversions beyond the packed surfaces. dedicated to gintas k and tautvydas bajarkevicius
idm, glitch. paklaida +/- more experimental work of skardas. deep, glitchy, wide and rhythmic. precision, rich texture. lucid and transparent
arturas bumsteinas
various styles of electronics/electroacoustics. uonsed - electroacoustic explorations. hushed, subtle drones, rational dynamics, reconstructions of voice and spoken-word
audio_z (tautvydas bajarkevicius)
post-techno, microwave, glitch etc. aven ju - rhythmic overlays, soft glitchy sound palette. atmospheric avenues of bright and colorful
gintas k
minimal techno, pure sine waves and expressive, from minimal to overladen. reloaded beauty - melancholic and beautiful, subtly hushed, distorted, and reloaded. muted in the end
surfaces netlabel is proud to release this album, as it simbolizes the ongoing unification of the lithuanian contemporary/experimental art scene and creation of mutually helpful networks among people involved in this scene, both physically and virtually. for lithuanian admirers of this festival and these artists, this release is a real gift, for those who are not familiar with it yet - a perfect introduction
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