Netlabel › Surfaces

»Without Out« by Gintas K

Cover of Without Out

gintas k’s music can be described as microsound or noise, but his purpose is not to create within the frames of these styles. his primary interest is studying the physical effects of sound on the human psyche. in result, gintas k utilizes sine waves, expressive synthesized tones, noizes and complex rhythmical structures. surprisingly, the result is not mechanistic - rather, it is quite organic and flowing

in addition, gintas k is (and has been) involved in numerous conceptual art actions that are dedicated to experimental sound and its interaction with the human body/consciousness

the composition that has been selected for the label’s second release is a 31-minute-long live piece that was recorded for the garso zona experimental sound festival organized in 2003 in kaunas, lithuania. although the sound is certainly challenging, it is well worth the effort of trying to dissolve in it. as in many compositions by gintas k, the sound is very diverse, ranging from barely audible frequencies to intense and emotional noised sweeps, all supported by intricate glitch textures. when listened to on proper equipment, the changes in sound almost seem to produce changes in the listening space as well

this release is recommended to listeners who enjoy complex sound structures and non-conventional arrangement

Netlabel: Surfaces
Release Date: 2004-01-28
Release-ID: srfc002
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