Netlabel › Serein
»The Seagull« by 1000 Hours of Staring

Hot on the heels of their debut EP at Serein, ‘Cooperative Thread’, it is time again to welcome 1000 Hours of Staring to the Serein catalogue. The lineup this time includes David Daranjo and Mike Kazantsis working alongside Mike Ramsey. This change in ranks marks also a distinct change in sound for the group, leaving behind the gentle melodies of ‘Cooperative Thread’ in favour of densely layered sound.
Thick with the tones of guitars, keyboards and whispers of vocal samples and field recordings, ‘The Seagull’ is a composition of epic proportions. Listening to the piece, I can’t help but recall memories of bands such as Ash Ra Tempel and Tangerine Dream, and that’s no bad thing. With its distant guitar drones and modulating, pulsing soundscapes, each minute drags you deeper into the sleepy world where 1000 Hours of Staring make their home.
This is a piece of music to explore, a fairy-tale story revealing new adventures wich each listen. This is one for life’s daydreamers. Beautiful artwork from Alanna Gladstone compliments once more.
- Cantankerous Seagull