Netlabel › Realaudio
»Numbers« by Monoide
thomas lipka from bratislava (.sk) strikes back with a more dancefloor orientated ep, after his technoid album on ratc001 and the warm soundscapes released on monoide puts just enough harmonics in techno music to keep the people listening and shaking.
full of ideas of the “red bull academy” in south africa he recharged his batteries, set up his system for a clear performance, and to create emotional tracks like “strategy”. meanwhile monoide travels slovakia to make people dance in the clubs.
an ep like a shot, reminding at the subtleness of a stewart walker. and a fine bunch of remixes is coming on in september.
Das Follow Up von Monoides genialer LP periodt ist mit den 4 Stücken auf Numbers weniger heterogen dafür mehr auf den Tanzflur ausgerichtet. Thomas Lipka aus Bratislava stemmt sich aber endgültig in eine der ersten Positionen des Minimal-Techno im Netz. Weniger Abstrakt und mit einem ausgeprägten Gefühl für dunkle, dahinschwebende Stimmungen klicken Mikrosounds mit den Dubdelays um die Wette. In der Tiefe des Halls ist ja viel Platz für Sounds, dieser wird beim Track Control etwas überstrapaziert. Der Rest der EP ist Milchglasklar und Lange-Messer-scharf. Die perfekt dosierten Echos beleben das dunkle Grummeln, wie ein ausgeflippter Schmetterling den Sumpf. Hallo Dial Posse! Bitte mal anklicken!
Thomas Hoeverkamp/
For those that have not heard of the Real Audio Record Label, this is a Net Label ie one that distributes its music through the Internet in the form of high quality mp3 downloads. Furthermore, each release is made available to the public absolutely free.
This release is made up of 4 tracks. The first is “Recharged” which is characterised by minimal beats, subtle moody atmospheres, distorted granular tones, and twisted panned effects. “System” and “Control” are another two tracks that again have a similar dark and atmospheric vibe. Finally, “Strategy” concludes this release with its stuttering beats, metallic percussion sounds, and deep sound-scapes.
An interesting release with excellent production and sounds, my only complaint is the lack of any memorable musical elements/hooks, which I personally feel, is sorely lacking amongst the huge amount of Net Labels and Net Audio that exist today.
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