Netlabel › Realaudio
»Jazzant« by Lomov
lomov from hamburg (.de) made a breathtaking and precise definition of where the ambient section of leads to. the moment of rest and emptiness as a source for all movement, evolving into scapish soundstructures: jazz with the digital media seen in context to arts.
born in hannover, he studied history of arts, philosophy, archeology and sinology. after various exhibitions in fine arts from 1990-1999, he focussed his work on producing electronic music in the year 2000.
with this album lomov explores the border between sounds that can be recognized as music, and those which are beyond - breaking the limits of our habits and making them hearable.
beautiful ambient of an artist with a wide knowledge and horizon, in best tradition of tetsu inoue’s silent works.
Netlabel: Realaudio
Release Date: 2003-12-30
Release-ID: raam002