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»Live from Saint Johnsbury, Vermont« by Khonnor

Cover of Live from Saint Johnsbury, Vermont

Having fixed an exploded cable modem (just by swearing at it), one of our best friends, Connor Kirby-Long, is back – this time with three new songs he wrote between classes and they’re full of all kinds of well-crafted good stuff: pretty guitar melodies, spazzy cut-up percussion, bendy synth notes, and angelic vocals.

In the first track, ‘Crapstone’, Connor takes a handfull of loose stuff found in his jacket pocket and turns it into a daydreamy pop tune. And where ‘The eyes of the older drivers’ is a sort of carnivalesque examination of, um, older people driving, “Basement Key 555” is the grand and densely-produced foreshadowing of his upcoming album this spring on the stylish <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Type Records</a> label with its heavy piano melody and catchy ending.

Should be a good year for Khonnor fans.

Netlabel: Please Do Something
Release Date: 2004-01-09
Release-ID: pls014
Music Style:
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