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»Live from Saint Johnsbury, Vermont« by Khonnor

Having fixed an exploded cable modem (just by swearing at it), one of our best friends, Connor Kirby-Long, is back – this time with three new songs he wrote between classes and they’re full of all kinds of well-crafted good stuff: pretty guitar melodies, spazzy cut-up percussion, bendy synth notes, and angelic vocals.
In the first track, ‘Crapstone’, Connor takes a handfull of loose stuff found in his jacket pocket and turns it into a daydreamy pop tune. And where ‘The eyes of the older drivers’ is a sort of carnivalesque examination of, um, older people driving, “Basement Key 555” is the grand and densely-produced foreshadowing of his upcoming album this spring on the stylish <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Type Records</a> label with its heavy piano melody and catchy ending.
Should be a good year for Khonnor fans.
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