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»rndm.i(d)nit« by Pino The Frog

<b>The sound that outran obsolescence.</b>
Patrick Valiquet, a pianist and sound designer who recently relocated his distinct Montreal sound to Vancouver, sent us these pieces of short-style abstract music – a roughly fifteen minute exploration in, around, and through a two-second Thelonious Monk sample - all propelled carefully by orchestrated misfirings, coincidences, and a velocity that escapes the pull of metronomic undertow.
Included here are six pieces in a beautiful modern interpretation of Monk’s deceptively simple & spare piano style. As Patrick says, “I’ve always been inspired by the expressiveness and lucidity of Monk’s sense of time and gesture: these are very humble attempts at accessing that.”
And certainly decades later we can hear Monk’s important influence on timbre, tone, and rhythm in this great Pino The Frog release of pauses and unstable volume and the sounds in between.
His previous release, Miniatures, can be heard at Nishi.
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