Netlabel › One
»Small Craft Exercise Caution« by Relative Q

Just over three years ago, Relative Q (Paul Zyla) was the first solo artist at One, so it is very befitting for us to present his latest work as our milestone 30th release. We have been sitting on this release for quite some time now and are excited to finally bring it to fruition.
Composed during the majority of 2006, ‘Small Craft Exercise Caution’ is a heady, personal affair with moods seeming to play with optimisim and inspiration through, well, troubled waters. Paul has crafted a wide and lush sound combining the worlds of smokey lounge, electronica and etheral shoegaze with lively instrumentation, rhythmic interplay, driving synths, and a certain melodic finesse.
- pittsburgh winters have killed better men than i
- sun rises over the undeserved
- fairer shores
- the ghosts came quickly
- no sympathy
- farewells and goodbyes
- man your battle stations
Run time 48:04
Netlabel: One
Release Date: 2007-06-08
Release-ID: one030