Netlabel › Jahtari
»Masters Of The Universe« by Bo Marley

After their undying classic album from 2007/09 Bo Marley are finally back with a vengeance - and a massive ghettoblaster! Always ready to rock your backyard, street corner super market the Harlev homeboys are once again powering up their Chariot Of Fire (aka. the Bo mobil) and drop a floor-devastating cassette here that effortlessly rolls up electrifying beats, short-wired robo-magic and a voltage drenched low-rider bass into one big, long…masterpiece.
The patented Bo space-lyrics in German/Danish warp mode are again dealing with the big timeless themes of our age: rocking it on stage (Wir Setzt Den Trend), rolling along with the Bo mobil (Rollen Vorbei), the joys of driving a scooter (Mofa Fahren) and Robot Cars (“with volt power - yeah!”). Kaptain Dreck joins the posse for one tune here, with a fistful of rhymes that would even impress He-Man himself.
Netlabel: Jahtari
Release Date: 2010-01-12
Release-ID: jtrep07