Netlabel › Epsilonlab
»Club Soda & Salt« by Alland Byallo

A Los Angeles native now based in San Francisco, Alland Byallo has made a name for himself on the house scene with his unique take on deep tech funk. The fruit of focused research, his music offers a persistent groove that listeners will find irresistibly contagious.
For his debut release on the Epsilonlab netlabel, Alland has prepared three tracks that showcase his signature sound and can be appreciated equally well on a country road or the dance floor. Each track is a journey through successive layers of expressive, fluid textures that perfectly offset the funk rhythms. A bonus track is provided by Eloi Brunelle, who serves up a savory remix of Good Touch.
- Good Touch
- Skidmarks
- 5th Avenue
- Good Touch (Eloi Brunelle Remix)
Run time 24:18
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