Netlabel › AlpineChic

»The Adventures of Tim and Puma Mimi« by Tim & Puma Mimi

Cover of The Adventures of Tim and Puma Mimi

For his seventh release Alpinechic expands his boundaries, for a swiss-japanese collaboration. This project came to life as Michiko and Christian met at a Santa Claus Party somewhere in Europe and quickly found out that both had a musical background and interest. The result is just as spontaneus and colorful however not by coincidence. Instead what the duo Tim & Puma Mimi deliver is a fast and crazy mix of cheerful tunes. Breakbeat, J-Pop, even blip minimalism and a good portion of happy groove fuse to a sweet, frisky and at times video-gamish 4-song ep. Who cares if we don’t understand the words, we just love it. :)

Netlabel: AlpineChic
Release Date: 2004-07-07
Release-ID: ac007
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