Netlabel › Textone
»Collaborations« by Jay Haze

30 releases. 2 years, unimaginable bandwidth, releases from the likes of René Breitbarth, Jay Haze, Troy Pierce, Matt John, Peter Spiess, Mikael Stavoestrand, Lump, Fenin, Jambi and the list goes on and on. So were celebrating adulthood and with that a few gifts from us to you. First, from now on releases are 256Kb/s. Second is this release. Jay Haze and 5 Textone family members. Collaborations are just that. Sessions at Hazes studio with almost no post production just the raw power of a subwoofer and creative minds. To kick the EP off is Jay and Jambi. The two lads behind Contexterrior Media spend a Friday night in the studio recording over two hours of jams which ended up as this 8 minutes lick. The tune is an analog wash of textures and mental grooves. Second come Jay Haze and Argenix. The two share studio space and this is just one of many many collaborations. The track has a melancholic undertone and a headbanging kick. Both producers unique styles come through so nicely on this one. Use Me Baby is a collaboration with Falko Brocksieper who is the man behind Sub-Static and Karloff. The track is pumping and in Textone tradition filled with little surprises. Guitar experiment is exactly that. Albertos magic hands on a guitar all recorded live to the sound of the minimal funk being served from Hazes machines. Its deep but funky and has that very live feel of a free jazz jam. Astrology is a vocal, 12 minutes long madness. Funky and tweeky as can be expected from a collaboration between Samim and Jay Haze. So we came baring gifts and now on to the next release.
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