Netlabel › One

»lost« by Breitbannt ft. r. pries

Cover of lost

The lengend continues? The latest from Breitbannt from the Schleudertrauma camp features Ronny Pries (aka ronny priest, rp, rktic). Encouraging Ronny to deliver this first slice of minimal techno for One was done with deliberate action;

His work with Farbrausch, Forte Records, Thinner, Rohformat, the 101 comp (and many others) in our eyes slots him as one of the internets dominate forces of minimal techno. This one is slightly more straightforward than Ronny’s usual work, but thats part of what makes Brietbannt special. Whether or not you’ve heard of him or Breitbannt yet is a problem you need to deal with, and you can do so now.

  1. pt.1
  2. pt.2
  3. pt.3
  4. pt.4

Run time 28:00

Netlabel: One
Release Date: 2004-04-23
Release-ID: one007
Music Style: TECHNO
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