Netlabel › Aquavelvas

»Dødelig Flein« by Tomputer

Cover of Dødelig Flein

Hard-hitting and fleshed out, yet carefully controlled; that is some of the vibes the jazz / funk / electronika fusion “Glad uten kryp” brings to mind in this diverse release from The Tomputer.

In a radical departure from the opener, “Fred” is simple and clean, yet a beautiful and soothing piece. Peaceful indeed (“fred” is the Norwegian word for “peace”). The closing track puts on some deep space reggae vibes in a kind of hypnotic (or perhaps hallucinogenic?) way. Just let your mind drift for a while until the almost Blade Runner-ish trumpets signals the end.

Netlabel: Aquavelvas
Release Date: 2005-10-09
Release-ID: aqv008
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